New Year, Same Me

I’m usually all about those new beginnings. I’m pro change, pro positivity and pro happiness. The New Year is always a perfect chance for me to break away from my ‘old self’ and to rebuild who I am and what I stand for.

But this year is different. This year I don’t want to be someone else; I want to be me. I want to be the same me I’ve always been, I just want to love her more. I want to appreciate myself more than ever before, and I want to better honor myself and recognize my value. This New Year is a chance for me to change, but not to change myself; it’s a chance for me to change the way that I view and think about myself – a chance to embrace myself for all that I am and all that I’m capable of. I don’t need to change who I am, I just need to change my perception of who I am.

newyear_sameme2Arnold, CA

Last year I made promises of being more flexible, eating healthier and doing ‘my own thing’ more often. Some of those fell through (as many do), but I’ve also seen improvements in others. And that’s all I can ask for: improvements. I’m not perfect, I never will be, and I need to realize that progress is the mark of change. Change doesn’t always happen in a year, let alone over night (wishful thinking). But signs of change make themselves visible all the time, we just have to be more attentive to recognize them.

This year, I’m making one promise: to love myself. And my resolutions this year are simply steps to help me do just that.

  1. Sweat once a day. Whether I’m going for a (fast-paced) late night stroll or an early morning power workout, I need to get my blood flowing to release some endorphins. I’ll feel better if I do, and that’s what matters. It’s not for the body, it’s for the mind.
  2. Write for at least 15 minutes a day. Even if it’s just a couple of sentences about how I just don’t feel like writing (which will happen), I need to get my thoughts on paper (or screen). Writing heals me; it makes me feel better, it helps me to (healthfully) deal with stress, and bottom line, it makes me happy. Your benefit: you’ll be hearing from me a little more, too. The more time I take to write, the more I find to write about. (Hint: You might want to carve out some [insert title here] reading time into your New Year plans. Saddle up for some 2016 good reads.)
  3. Start every day off right. Ambiguous, right? But think about the best way to start a day: with happiness (and coffee). For 365 days, I’m going (to try) to wake up every morning, look in the mirror and give myself a compliment. It can be how proud I am that I finished that overbearing reading assignment last night, or simply how valuable I am, just the way I am. I need to not be so hard on myself and to be happy with the capable woman I am becoming. And what better way than looking myself straight in the eyes and reminding myself of my immense worth? Others won’t always do it, so I will. Awkward? Maybe. But I’m sure I’ll eventually move past that, even if it is next December. (Improvements, remember?)

Twenty sixteen is going to be the year of Me(gan). I’m hoping to seize every opportunity just as it comes, and to dive into 2017 a better, smarter and more loving human than I am today. Cheers to a fabulous, blessed, and confident 2016. Kick ass, take names, remember your roots, and remind yourself that no matter what, you’re beautiful and you’re worth it – always.

Keep doing you, the same you you’ve always been. I’m always here to support you on your journey towards a healthier, happier and more lovable life. Drop me a line about your resolutions and what 2016 has in store for you and yours; I always love hearing from you. Thanks for your continued support on my journey. You keep me pushing.

With love and hugs on the 1st day of the best year yet,

(The Same) Megan

6 comments on “New Year, Same Me

  1. Lindsey says:

    Love this, love YOU! Here’s to a rockin’ year Megan! 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  2. heyehren says:

    This was beautifully said! Here’s to a new year!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. […] Recap of my resolutions for this year: […]


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